Who are the Coolest CEOs on Earth?

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CEOWe've compiled a list of the top 5 coolest CEOs. Find out more about these CEOs and some of their hobbies and interests that make them so unique. You may be surprised with who's on the list. Some of these CEOs run the hottest and fastest growing companies in the world. Click to the next slide to see for yourself.

5. Ben Rattray

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Ben RattrayBirthplace: Santa Barbara, California
Age: 33
Interests/Hobbies: Politics, Social Activism, Motivational Speaking
Company Name: Change.org
Industry: Online petition website that hosts sponsored campaigns

Bio: Since 2007, Change.org has grown into a major tool for those looking to effect local and global change. Originally a social network for social activism, the site has evolved into it's current petition platform and has drastically improved how rapidly and effectively people can organize. Now a profitable company with 170 employees Change.org is here to stay.

Image by: David Shankbone

4. Jeremy Stoppelman

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Jeremy StoppelmanBirthplace: Arlington, Virginia
Age: 36
Interests/Hobbies: Reading, Live Music, Exploring San Francisco
Company Name: Yelp Inc.
Industry: Online review and business search service

Bio: A former employee of fellow Cool List CEO Elon Musk, Jeremy left PayPal to attend and later drop out of Harvard Business School. The drop out proved fortuitous as he and a friend started Yelp, which has become a leader in online business reviews. A polarizing character, his company is often lambasted by companies and individuals alike, he's successfully managed the storm to create a company with over $135 million in annual revenues.

Image by: LeWeb

3. Sir Richard Branson

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Sir Richard BransonBirthplace: Blackheath, London, UK
Age: 63
Interests/Hobbies: Kite Boarding, Exercise, Sailing, Daredevil Sports
Company Name: Virgin Group Ltd.
Industry: Venture Capital Conglomerate (Travel, Entertainment, and Lifestyle focus)

Bio: An entrepreneur since 16, Richard has built a business empire including Virgin Atlantic Airways, Virgin Records, and Virgin Galactic. Always in the news for pushing the conventions of what a CEO 'should be'. His new focus to commercialize space tourism is the latest venture he's personally funded. He's also active in different charities, including Global Zero, Picnic Green Challenge, and the Virgin Unite foundation.
Image by: David Shankbone

2. Elon Musk

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Elon MuskBirthplace: Pretoria, South Africa
Age: 42
Interests/Hobbies: Sports Cars, Flying, Movie Production
Company Name: Tesla Motors, SpaceX
Industry: Electronic Cars and Space Transport

Bio: From early successes with online companies Zip2 and PayPal, Elon Musk has continued to thrive in new business opportunities. As a self-described workaholic, 100 hours a week. Musk used the capital from his initial successes to launch revolutionary companies, pushing the bounds of the automotive and private industry space transport.

Image by: David Shankbone

1. Marissa Mayer

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Marissa MayerBirthplace: Wausau, Wisconsin
Age: 38
Interests/Hobbies: Skiiing, Technology, Fashion, Ballet
Company Name: Yahoo!
Industry: Internet corporation known for its search engine, e-mail, and news sites.

Bio: As the 20th employee hired by tech startup Google in 1999, Marissa is a veteran of the IT industry. After winning the top job at Yahoo in 2012, she's ranked number 32 in Forbes list of the World's Most Powerful Women. She's very active in the business world and sits on the boards of not only Yahoo but also Wal-Mart and Jawbone, as well as a number of non-profits.

Image by: Christopher Dernbach