
Definitions (2)
Popular Terms
1. General: Official counting of a region's or nation's people and compilation of economic, social and other data, usually for formulation of development policies and plans and demarcating constituencies for elections.
2. Statistics: Survey of an entire population, as opposed to a sample survey.

Use 'census' in a Sentence

The census conducted in the year 2013 concluded that there exists far more single parent households than had been predicted by the government bureau.
50 people found this helpful
I've been unsure as to which application will work best for one of my design projects. I do not have a lot of experience with the brands I need to use so I decided to go ahead and rely on a general census to decide on which is most used, performs best and shows reliability.
17 people found this helpful
I've been unsure as to which application will work best for one of my design projects. I do not have a lot of experience with the brands I need to use so I decided to go ahead and rely on a general census to decide on which is most used, performs best and shows reliability.
14 people found this helpful

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