
Popular Terms
Gift of personal property through a will by the writer of the will (the 'testator') to an individual or organization (the 'legatee'). Legacies are generally classified as (1) Demonstrative: paid out of specific funds, or portioned out of a specific property. (2) General: not clearly identified, such as, "a house." (3) Pecuniary: specified sum of money or an annuity. (4) Residuary: what is left out of a personal estate. (5) Specific: clearly identified, such as, "My beach-house." See also inheritance.

Use 'legacy' in a Sentence

When my grandmother passed away, she left me a legacy in her will, including some of her money and her summer house.
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He wasn't concerned about his legacy, he thought he had done enough in his life that people would always look fondly upon him.
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Stacey never even considered selling the cabin, because the old place was a precious legacy left to her by her grandmother.
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