
Definitions (2)
Related Terms
1. Concept, device, or procedure used in arranging, measuring, or quantifying events, objects, or phenomenon in any sequence. Scales may be broadly classified as (1) Category scale: Sequence of numbers or words which only serve to identify certain entities or observations and have no quantitative significance; for example, a numbered or named list, or numbers on the uniforms of the members of a team. Also called nominal scale or qualitative scale. (2) Interval scale: Sequence of numbers in a fixed order representing amount, interval, or numeric values; for example, a distance or temperature scale.
Also called quantitative scale. (3) Sequence scale: Ranked entities or items with a uniform spacing but no quantitative significance; for example, hardness scale (Moh's scale), pH Scale, or Richter scale. Also called ordinal scale.
2. Ratio of the size of an object as drawn to its actual size. See also scale drawing.

Use 'scale' in a Sentence

During the course of the experiment, the scientist's triple beam scale made collecting and analyzing data about various item weights simple and efficient for the entire team.
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When the architect was drawing a model of the Empire State Building, he used a scale of 100:1 because he wanted it to all fit on one piece of paper.
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When the couple couldn't decide how to determine the weight of the objects, they bought a scale to calculate said weight for them, coming out to a determined number.
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Notable Quotable

Does the business scale?
"Bill Gates plowed piles of money into developing the first copy of Microsoft Office. The beauty: Each additional copy of that software program costs next to nothing to produce. That's called scale--and it's the difference between modest wealth and obscene riches. What models don't scale? Think service businesses, where the need for people grows along with revenues."
- Brett Nelson