small business

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Use 'small business' in a Sentence

That man owns a small business where he repairs broken furniture and refinishes old furniture so it looks like new.
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The small business employed only a few employees, but it was growing at such a rapid rate that it would soon be able to hire many more employees and rent space in a larger office building.
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Many customers appreciate the level of personal care and service that they feel only a small business has the capability to provide.
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Notable Quotable

Looking to Start a Business? Don’t Forget about Grants
"Many people dream of running a home business of their own but few people think that they can’t afford to get their small company running. Small business grants are valuable financial tools that many aspiring entrepreneurs can use. While you may think that there is no such thing as small business grants but you can get some cash for your endeavor through a number of resources."
- GoldBusinessTips