
Popular Terms
Close association or relationship between two or more living organisms, where at least one receives some sort of benefit from the relationship. Common examples in the animal kingdom include certain species of birds who eat parasites or bugs off the skin of elephants, and a bee which eats the nectar of flowers and in turn spreads the pollen which allows the flower to reproduce.

Use 'symbiosis' in a Sentence

Two individuals who are married may consider their relationship within the bounds of symbiosis when it is clear that each of them needs the other, and that the relationship is beneficial for both.
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Elmer had been farming for most of his 78 years, and knew that one good way to keep pests at bay was to plant with symbiosis in mind: potato and pepper plants repelled each others' pests, so it was good to plant them together.
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The two species had a symbiosis where one species would clean the other animal's fur and in return would be able to eat any nutritious insects that were on the fur.
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